A Lover of Books

Guest Post by Tracey-anne McCartney


This is the last post of this event.  Tracey-anne McCartney has recently had her debut novel, ‘A Carpet of Purple Flowers’ published.


The ramblings of a debut author

~ Slipping through the veil of worlds on All Hallows Eve/Samhain

Merry meet at the time of year when the veil between this world and the next is at its thinnest.

The old year has passed and sunset on Samhain marks the beginning of the Celtic New Year. So what better time to introduce my very own new beginning ~ A Carpet of Purple Flowers.

I believe that a certain magic is carried from our soul through to our creations – be it a piece of art, dance, poetry or form of storytelling, etc. With this belief in mind, I hope that I can spread a little magic your way.

Writing ~

My mind raced as folklore came entwined with love, fate entwined with choice, science with spiritual teachings – all guiding me to write a romance that revolves around a karmic cycle.

Magic is many things, but for me, it stems from love, that unseen force elusive to science, baffling all logic. Learning to love yourself can be one of the most difficult lessons, but eventually, we can learn to let go of the things that no longer give our life purpose, though it can take time. Often, we go through life in automatic mode, sticking with what we know or feel comfortable with. The main book character Bea, discovers that strength comes from an inner light which secretly masks eternity.

Let me share with you a secret place, in which only a parted veil exposes. Briefly visit an ethereal plane in which Otherworldly, angelic-type beings, tend to a well of souls. It is there, in Calageata that the purple flower of Vororbla (karma) grows, emitting a thick mist, ready to greet the essence of a soul.

Love and light,


Meet Tracey-anne

When did you begin writing? Have you always envisaged being a writer?

As a child I was pretty creative, of which my hippy upbringing definitely encouraged. My beautiful, incredibly diverse family and friends have always been supportive of any crazy project that I threw myself into, usually involving art or writing. I’ve never envisaged myself as a writer, more a mixed media artist with a very active imagination. ;o)

Without any of high tech stuff we have today: TV, phone, internet (godsend), etc. (Wow, I sound ancient!). I often found myself sprawled over the bed writing or drawing. I would immerse myself into a world of fairies, sunshine/moonlight and Otherworldly realms. I’m not so very different now. ;o)


Tell us about the novel, title, and what inspired you to write?

The novel revolves around the life of a young woman named, Bea. She works in a secondhand bookshop in SW London. One evening, her normal quiet life turns upside down as she slowly starts to unravel a secret past after an encounter with two sects of an Otherworldly race. She soon discovers not everything is what it seems. A Carpet of Purple Flowers is a story of love and growth.

Once you read through the book the relevance of the title becomes clear. There is a certain scene that captures it’s importance beautifully. I used ‘Purple’ in all of the trilogy titles as it relates to the flower of Vororbla – a soul flower. This connects all souls in an ethereal home called, Calageata.

Purple is the colour most often associated with royalty, magic, and mystery, it is also the most powerful wavelength of the rainbow.


What POV do you use?

I write in ‘Third Person Omniscient’. I completely resonate with this style of writing, perhaps due to the way I see my initial story idea play out as a film in my mind – via scenes. When you watch a film there are different camera viewpoints, I use this method in writing. I focus on the scene/character that I need to tell the story in that moment. It works best for me as I’m an extremely visual person. :o)


What theme is strongest in your book?

Romance essentially, a karmic cycle of love. Elements of folklore mingled with my own imaginings.

I’ve tried to create a story that feels real, incorporating places that actually exist. Such as, Coldfall Woods, and Inchmahome Priory in Scotland. More information can be found on the book website.


What would you like readers to come away with from your novel?

Ideally, the message that no matter what happens in this crazy life, to always keep your inner light bright and to believe in yourself. We all have ups and downs and when you’re at your lowest ebb, to remember that the magic begins within.

‘Keep your light bright’ – Is a phrase used throughout the story.

The Otherworldly use the word ‘Ameusouya’ (Am-e-us-ou-ya) meaning complete/whole (you, me, us =one).

All are inspired by the word, Namaste.


Who are the authors that inspire you?

The crystal cave – Mary Stewart, The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley, There are too many to mention here, pop over to Goodreads to see some of the books I’ve listed – ongoing.

I read a lot of non-fiction, I have a thirst for knowledge, especially of anything that involves folklore/art.

Possibly one of my favourites is ‘The mists of Avalon’. I really resonate with this type of theme – the goddess, ancient wisdom, etc.

Devoured ‘The Game of Thrones’, and at present I’m on the fourth book of the ‘Outlander’ series by Diana Gabaldon.

I also really enjoy Dan Brown’s style of writing, his play of fact and fiction – very clever. He excites the mind, daring you to apply your own research, to see things a different way. His books have interested many readers that wouldn’t have normally read that genre/topic.

Oh, let’s not forget WB Yeats, CS Lewis, Conan Doyle, Fiona Macleod / William Sharp, and many, many others.


Do you see yourself as a one genre author, or are there other elements in your writing that you can see yourself developing in the future?

Hmm, I see my story as being quite diverse, and hopefully, my writing reflects this too. Actually, when I was trying to decide on what genre ‘A carpet of purple flowers’ would fit into, I noticed that it contained various elements – undertones of spiritualism, fantasy, paranormal and romance. I would really like to see ‘Spiritual Romance’ become a stronger genre in the future.

I would love to create a little separate book of the Sindria elementals. How they came to be in more detail and to include the ‘The Heaven Stone’ teachings. While editing, I had to condense the book and really don’t want to lose those parts. Perhaps, I’ll write a book on the Deisi too, their original purpose, origins, etc.

It would be quite interesting to create Jonathan’s journal, including artwork – via collaboration of other artists. Little steps. :o)


What inspired your book?

Another story, ‘The Butterfly Bridge’ was floating around inside my head for about two years prior to ‘A carpet of purple flowers’. Everything stemmed from the visual inspiration of a small, serene waterfall existing in a world far from prying eyes, hidden in a glade by dense woodland. Opposite the waterfall stood a large, ancient Oak tree which later became the focus of a special meeting.

This visualization was initially a place for me to rest my busy mind before drifting off to sleep, but one night, a young woman appeared by the waterfall, her name Enna – and that was the starting place of all my later writing.

I knew that ‘The Butterfly Bridge’ would take quite some time to write, as quite complex. So, I decided to start from a place that I knew well – SW London. This story very quickly grew into a bigger tale, and would need to be a trilogy – A Carpet of Purple Flowers. It was then that I decided that ‘The Butterfly Bridge’ was to be the fourth book, a pre-history, stand-alone addition.


Is there a lot of research involved in your writing?

Ha! Ha! Yes, there is. I never stop researching. ;o) My mind needs to be permanently fed information, not that it all stays in there. I research everything, then sift through what I feel is relevant to the story. There are few notebooks that I use to store factual, mythical information, and I usually refer back to that at a later date – cosmology, astrological, historical, pieces of lore etc. I find it all extremely fascinating – soul food.


Do any of the characters in the book relate to your own life?

*Giggles* I think with any writer some element of the self flows onto the pages. I probably relate mostly with Bea, the main character. However, I can also see a bit of myself in Kitty, Pia and Asta – depends what mood I’m in. ;o)


A Carpet of Purple Flowers is your debut novel. How does it feel to be published?

Absolutely amazing. Matthew at ‘Urbane Publications’ has created a wonderful concept, an author ‘family’. He truly delivers on ‘collaboration’. I’ve been able to discuss areas such as cover design, and most of the publication process, not many publication houses offer such unique involvement. The other authors have been fantastic too, and genuinely care about each other’s progress – it’s such a humbling experience.

Overall, writing my first book has been a very positive journey. Yes, there’s been some very difficult moments when I have questioned myself/abilities, but something has pushed me on – the need to share the ‘Otherworld’ that lives in my heart.

Absolutely none of this would’ve been possible without my super family, old friends and new, for supporting me through this whole process. Woohoo! Exhale…it’s finally there! ;o)

Thank you too Sonya, for asking me to be a guest on your blog. It’s been a pleasure.

‘Keep your light bright’



Publisher: Urbane Publicationshttp://urbanepublications.com/books/a-carpet-of-purple-flowers/Book

Book Websitehttp://www.traceyannemccartney.com

Author Biohttp://www.traceyannemccartney.com/authors-bio.php

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/Traceyannemccartney

Tracey-anne’s Twitterhttps://twitter.com/jasmoonbutterfl






Matthew Smith is giving away 5 copies of ‘A Carpet of Purple Flowers’.  To enter just leave a comment telling me what you think of the cover.


Terms and Conditions

This competition is open worldwide.

The closing date is 11:59 p.m. on the 14th November 2015.

The winners will be randomly chosen and notified within 7 days of the closing date.  Their details will be given to Matthew Smith who will send out the prizes.

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24 thoughts on “Guest Post by Tracey-anne McCartney

  1. Sue Harrison on said:

    From the first time I saw the cover I was drawn to it an ethereal yet earthy beauty of the here and now and the there.A wrapping just begging to be opened to reveal the contents inside waiting until it caught you up in its thrall……….leaving you perhaps the prisoner inside!!!


  2. Pingback: Guest Post by Tracey-anne McCartney | Tracey-anne's Weblog

  3. Hi Sue :o)
    Your words ring very true…a blending of worlds, ethereal and material, a prisoner to karma’s cycle. *Winks*
    I promise to release you if you get lost inside. :o)
    Thank you, Trace.


  4. A super thank you, Sonya. I feel extremely honoured to have been a part of your amazing Halloween Event. I’m still whizzing through your blog on my broom, parking up by every post. Truly amazing blogging ~ Big hugs ((( ❤ ))).


  5. I think the cover is very pretty and purple is one of my favourite colours.

    I like the idea of a carpet of purple flowers ..sounds wonderful x


  6. The cover is wonderful. Love the colors and the flowers against the black background. Nice interview too. Looks and sounds like a interesting book. Good luck on your book release.


  7. Nicole Anaya on said:

    The cover is wonderful! All the elements in it makes me want to read this book so bad! It makes me think of a new world and that there’s a lot of secrets to reveal, that everything in this cover means something and somehow this elements are connected. I love it! Thanks for the chance ❤


  8. Pingback: Guest Post by Tracey-anne McCartney | Tracey-anne's Weblog

  9. Reblogged this on Tracey-anne's Weblog and commented:
    Only 2 days left!


    Matthew Smith is giving away 5 copies of ‘A Carpet of Purple Flowers’. To enter just leave a comment on the blog link below telling Sonya what you think of the cover.

    This competition is open worldwide.

    The closing date is 11:59 p.m. on the 14th November 2015.

    The winners will be randomly chosen and notified within 7 days of the closing date. Their details will be given to Matthew Smith who will send out the prizes.

    Guest Post by Tracey-anne McCartney


  10. Thank you, Nicole, Connie, and Jo. ((( ❤ ))) Your feedback is really appreciated. ;o)


  11. The first time I saw this beautiful book it was on We Heart It … When I saw the book cover I was dying to have it and not only admire the beauty of this beautiful book cover but also read it. The purple flowers really complimented the black back ground on the book . It had the element of fantasy and I’m a really big fan of fantasy novels. There is something about the cover that makes it special and magical . Best of luck on your book release Tracey , I can’t wait to get my hands on this book . Thank you so much for this opportunity ❤ ❤ ❤
    ¬ Jeanne Tang xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Dakota palmer on said:

    I love the cover. I’m not going to lie alot of the time I will buy books based on the cover and I would buy this one for sure. I love the colors and the details.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. This is an awesome cover! Very mysterious! It definitely tempts me to buy the book!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Samantha Perkins on said:

    To me it looks very whimsical and romantic. The only constructive feedback I would leave is that you cannot tell it involves the Fey (as a first time reader), but you can see it involves magical romance.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I think the cover is visually stunning. Black and purple are such a perfect combination for fantasy books

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Thanks to everyone who entered this competition. The winners have been randomly chosen and notified. They are:-

    Connie Anderson
    Jeanne Tang
    Caterina Neko
    Samantha Perkins

    Best wishes


    Liked by 1 person

  17. just received my copy of the book! Thankyou all so much!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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